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    Boston Car Accidents Caused by Road Design

    Road safety is a priority for Massachusetts’s local and state government authorities, primarily for health, humanitarian, and financial reasons. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that traffic accidents cause death for over 1 million people every year globally. In Massachusetts specifically, there are an average of about 350 fatal car accidents each year. While driver […]

    Massachusetts Rollover Accidents

    The National Motor Vehicle Causation Study (NMVCS) by the US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration addressed an ongoing initiative to understand the cause of roll-over crashes. Roll-over crashes are one of the most fatal types of Massachusetts car accidents. These accidents refer to situations when a vehicle flips over onto its roof […]

    Driver Flees Scene of Accident After Chain Reaction Crash in Massachusetts

    When a car accident causes injuries, the period directly after that accident can be crucial. Oftentimes, injuries can worsen at the scene of a crash, and medical personnel need compliance from everyone involved in the accident to be able to give injured parties their best chance at receiving quick and substantial care. Because of this […]

    Keeping Massachusetts Pedestrians Safe This Holiday Season

    Every year, the holidays are often a time for gatherings and celebrations. But for some, the holidays can mean a lot of stress and chaos, and our roads are no exception. With more people out and about for the holidays and an increase in celebrations and gatherings involving alcohol, there may be more pedestrian and […]

    Criminal Charges Pursued in Response to Deadly Boston Harbor Boat Crash

    A person who negligently operates a motor vehicle or watercraft can be subject to both civil and criminal liability for their conduct, allowing two or more court proceedings to proceed simultaneously in response to a single incident. Although the procedures, burdens of proof, and consequences of liability for criminal and civil claims against a negligent […]

    Lawsuits Against Negligent Railroads and Trolleys in Massachusetts

    Many people in Massachusetts utilize the state’s railway system for daily transportation, business, school, and leisure. While trains are typically safe, they pose some inherent dangers that can have deadly consequences to anyone in the vicinity—asserting rights and recovering damages after a Massachusetts railway accident is challenging and requires a thorough and nuanced understanding of […]

    Fatal Car Accidents in Massachusetts

    It is a common misconception that when criminal charges are filed against an individual for an accident a civil lawsuit cannot be filed too. In an instance of wrongful death—where an individual is responsible for the wrongful death of another—criminal charges are often initiated by law enforcement if drinking or other substances played a role. […]

    Obtaining Compensation After a Massachusetts Public Transportation Accident

    Thousands of people rely on the public transportation systems in cities to get to work and school every day. In Massachusetts, many people specifically use the MBTA, especially the agency’s buses, trains, subways, and ferries. However, when an accident occurs on the MBTA or other public transportation systems, individuals may be unsure of how to […]

    Can a Passenger Sue a Negligent Driver in Massachusetts?

    Massachusetts car accidents can cause serious injuries and damages to anyone in the vicinity of the collision. However, passengers are often particularly vulnerable as they have very little control over the driver’s actions. Moreover, passengers are typically unable to escape a potential collision, unlike bikers and pedestrians who might have the ability to quickly move […]

    Tragic Boston Boat Crash Leaves One Woman Dead

    As the weather heats up in New England and people are out in our waterways for recreation or work, the risk of accidents on the water increases. Massachusetts boating accidents and collisions can be especially deadly when passengers are ejected from a watercraft into open water as the trauma from a crash is compounded by […]